Addressing Bias in Venture Capital: The Story of Reach Capital

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Published on June 25, 2023

In the fast-paced world of venture capital, where funding decisions shape the future of countless innovative ideas, biases can inadvertently limit opportunities for underrepresented founders. Reach Capital, a five-year-old education technology venture firm, found itself at a critical juncture in May 2020. As the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools to close and protests against racial injustice erupted worldwide, Reach Capital realized the urgent need to address bias and increase funding for diverse founders. This blog article delves into the inspiring story of Reach Capital and how they embarked on a journey to tackle bias in venture capital.

Understanding the Link between Racial Equity and Socioeconomic Mobility:

Reach Capital's mission to increase access to opportunity through education goes beyond mere words. With a team comprised of Black, female, and Latino leaders, many of whom are immigrants or children of immigrants, first-generation college graduates, educators, and entrepreneurs, Reach Capital embodies diversity and lived experiences. They understand firsthand the power of education as a catalyst for change and the crucial connection between racial equity and socioeconomic mobility.

Recognizing Bias as a Roadblock:

To truly empower diverse learners of all ages, Reach Capital acknowledged the need to invest in founders who intimately comprehend the challenges these learners face. By having lived these challenges themselves, founders from underrepresented backgrounds bring a unique perspective and insight that can transform education technology. The team recognized bias as a roadblock to increased funding for Black founders and made it their mission to tackle this issue head-on.

Step-by-step process outlining how Reach Capital mitigated bias in venture capital:

  • Recognize the Need for Change: Reach Capital acknowledged the presence of bias in venture capital and understood the importance of
    addressing it to create a more inclusive investment landscape.

  • Educate the Team about Bias: The team underwent education and training to raise awareness about different types of biases and their impact
    on investment decisions, fostering a shared understanding and language to address bias effectively.

  • Review and Revise Selection Criteria:Reach Capital critically examined their investment selection criteria to identify and eliminate any biases.
    They adjusted the criteria to focus on the potential and merits of the founder's idea rather than predetermined markers of success.

  • Diversify the Investment Pipeline:Proactively seeking out underrepresented entrepreneurs, Reach Capital diversified their investment pipeline.
    They attended targeted events, engaged with organizations supporting underrepresented founders, and leveraged their networks to discover talented
    individuals who may have been overlooked.

  • Provide Support and Mentorship: Recognizing the unique challenges faced by underrepresented founders, Reach Capital implemented robust
    support and mentorship programs. They provided resources, guidance, and networking opportunities to level the playing field and assist founders
    in navigating the complexities of building and scaling their ventures.

  • Invest in Founders with Lived Experience:Reach Capital prioritized investing in founders who had personal experience with the challenges
    faced by diverse learners. This approach enabled them to support founders who intimately understood the needs and aspirations of the target audience.

  • Continuously Evaluate and Improve: Reach Capital maintained a commitment to continuous evaluation and improvement. They regularly
    assessed their practices, gathered feedback from founders and stakeholders, and made adjustments to ensure their efforts to mitigate bias remained

  • MAdvocate and Share Best Practices: Reach Capital actively shared their journey and best practices through various channels. They spoke at
    industry conferences, participated in panel discussions, and used online platforms to raise awareness and encourage other venture capital firms to
    address bias and promote inclusion.

  • Reexamining the Investment Process:

    Reach Capital's journey began with a comprehensive reexamination of their investment process and criteria. They recognized the importance of reviewing their selection criteria to ensure they were not inadvertently favoring certain groups. By understanding and addressing implicit biases, they aimed to create a fairer and more inclusive investment landscape. This process required introspection, open conversations, and a commitment to challenging conventional norms.

    Investing in Founders with Deep Understanding:


    Reach Capital firmly believed that investing in founders who had personally experienced the challenges faced by diverse learners was crucial. These founders possessed an unparalleled understanding of the needs, nuances, and potential solutions in the education technology space. By backing these founders, Reach Capital not only supported their ventures but also contributed to a more inclusive and impactful edtech ecosystem. Example: Reach Capital emphasized investing in founders who had firsthand experience with the challenges faced by diverse learners. They sought out founders who had overcome similar obstacles in their educational journeys or had a personal connection to the target audience. By investing in these founders, Reach Capital recognized the value of their unique insights, empathy, and passion to drive meaningful change in the education technology space.


    The inspiring story of Reach Capital serves as a beacon of hope in the venture capital landscape. By recognizing and addressing bias, they have taken significant steps towards creating a more equitable and inclusive environment for diverse founders. Their journey exemplifies the power of diverse perspectives, empathy, and a commitment to social impact. As we move forward, let us draw inspiration from Reach Capital's story and work collectively to dismantle biases and create a more inclusive future for all entrepreneurs. Together, we can unlock the true potential of innovative ideas and drive positive change in education and beyond.


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